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Can I book an appointment without getting a referral from my vet?Due to the Veterinary Surgeons Act, all veterinary physiotherapists must obtain a referral from your vet prior to seeing your animal. This is to ensure that a vet has examined the animal and believes that veterinary physiotherapy or hydrotherapy is an appropriate form of treatment.
If my pet is insured, is it possible to claim for the treatment?"As I am a member of both the NAVP and NARCH, most insurance companies will cover the cost of your treatment. It is best to give your insurance company a call to check that complementary treatment is covered in your policy. Once I have received payment, I will provide you with a receipt that can accompany your claim.
What will happen during my first session?Your first session will consist of a chat about your pets medical history, current lifestyle and home environment. Your pet will then receive a full assessment which will include assessing the way your animal moves, feeling over your animal to detect any abnormalities in the tissues such as heat, swelling or tension, followed by a range of motion assessment to detect any restrictions in the joints. Your pet will then receive treatment and together, we will develop a treatment programme that you can follow at home.
What is the difference between taking my dog out swimming and coming to you for hydrotherapy?The underwater treadmill is a form of low impact exercise in a safe controlled environment that encourages your pet to move the same way they should on land but with reduced stressors placed on the joints due to the buoyancy of the water. The water is also heated to 30 degrees as this is a therapeutic temperature that helps to warm the muscles and soothe the joints. Much warmer than a lake! I am also trained in Canine First Aid so you can be assured your animal is in safe hands and if any incidents do occur, they can be dealt appropriately.
Can I still book an appointment if my dog hasn't been diagnosed with anything?As long as your vet has completed a referral form, I am happy to treat your pet. I treat many dogs that come for continual maintenance or canine athletes that would just like a check up.
Can you treat my animal in our own home?Unfortunately at this time, I am unable to do home visits, however, if this is something that you would prefer, I am happy to refer you to somebody that does offer this service.
I have got the referral from my vet. How do I book an appointment?As a referral is required, I am unable to do online bookings through the website. However, you can e-mail or call 07949816991 to book an appointment.
How much do sessions cost?With Emily (BSc VetPhys, Cert. Small Animal Hydrotherapy, NAVP, NARCH) Initial Assessment - £50 Follow-up treatment - £45 With Sky (Cert. Small Animal Hydrotherapy, IRVAP) Initial Assessment - £45 Follow-Up Treatment - £40

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